AskPropSG Latest Capabilities

25 July 2023


This platform is designed to serve the unique needs of real estate agents, home buyers, and sellers, providing all the data you need in a user-friendly format. Let's take a tour of AskPropSG and discover the features it offers.

How to Use

The user simply needs to type the question into the search bar and press enter. After the answer renders, the sources will appear below and will open in new tabs when clicked so that the user can cross-check the answer if necessary.


Basic Search

  • AskPropSG draws from various sources such as regulatory websites, news, and even pdf files to provide up-to-date and accurate information about property in Singapore:
    • General queries


    • Specific queries


    • Extrapolates from news articles to provide a picture of macro conditions


    • General comparisons for pitches to potential clients new to property.

      Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 1.15.29 pm.png

  • AP can give the TLDR (summarise & explain) on current topics for agents such as:
    • 99-to-1 crackdown


    • GFA Harmonisation


    • Effect of increase in GLS


Legal Concepts

  • Ability to answer basic legal questions


Regulatory Questions

  • Nuances in ABSD application


  • Questions regarding CPF for loan instalments


Comparing Properties

  • AskPropSG can compare different properties side-by-side on various features.


Getting New Launch Details

  • AskPropSG can provide details about new property launches.


  • New Launch script in point form


Multilingual Capabilities

  • Ability to answer in any language.


  • Recognise colloquial terms within the question.


Complete Transaction Data from REALIS

  • AskPropSG accesses and utilises transaction data from REALIS.

  • Provides a data table as well as a summary of the data to answer the user’s question. Includes:

    • Rental transactions.
    • Commercial sales transactions.
    • Industrial sales transactions.
  • Includes capabilities like:

    • Identifying most unprofitable properties in a district.


    • Find the project with the best average annualised return in a district.


    • Yearly average PSF by district


Easy Sharing to WhatsApp

  • Users can easily share information to WhatsApp using the share button and customise which sources to share.

Chat (Beta)

  • Conversations rarely consist of just one question and one answer. Rather, they are ongoing dialogues with context, back-and-forth, and clarification when needed. With the chat feature, AskPropSG now remembers the context of your questions. You can ask a question, follow-up, and have an interactive discussion that feels natural and easy.


The features highlighted in this guide are just the beginning of what AskPropSG offers. We are constantly innovating and expanding our capabilities to cater to a wider array of use cases in the property market. We invite you to explore these features and join us on this exciting journey. To start your AskPropSG experience, just head over to, no sign up is required. Your feedback and insights will be invaluable in shaping the future of AskPropSG.